Friday, January 30, 2009

Paul Leary is a GENIUS!

Not only is he in one of the greatest bands of all time (I'll prove it point for point!) but he cannot be contained. This is from his "History of Dogs" record. You should buy it.

The Birds Are Dying
How Much Longer
Too Many People

Friday, January 2, 2009


This band ROCKS! Shut it and listen! My dumb ass likes them so much I tattooed the cow skeleton on my chest! These are from their first two records. They are in no particular order.You should buy them all! Sandy Love you should dig this.

No Time
All White
Pain Sick People
Among The Ruins
Hear and Feel
Hide and Seek
It's Been So Long
Imagine A Light
Cool Breeze

For the Devil and Miss Bungo...

Here's a couple of ditties from "Stick" McGhee celebrating wine! I don't partake so much anymore but since you two do... Cheers!

Drinkin' Wine Spo-Dee-O-Dee
Head Happy With Wine